Even though I have reduced my A1C down to an almost “normal” number (getting off prednisone really did the trick), I am still trying to eat like I have type 2 diabetes. And why shouldn’t I? I’m a senior citizen and sugar has never been a required food group! And at least for me, sweet desserts have never been my problem. (I like them, but don’t have to have them every day like a certain member of my family who shall remain nameless!) But, and isn’t there always a but, rather than cookies or candy, bread has always been my downfall. And as everyone knows bread is high in carbs. And our bodies break down carbs into glucose, leading to an increase in blood sugar levels. So, still craving bread, but armed with a tiny bit of knowledge, I like to bake with whole wheat and rye flours now rather than all-purpose white flour. Of course, there are times when white flour is the only choice. But I’m always keeping in mind that whole grains are far better for us. So, when I found this recipe for whole wheat biscuits on the rachaelcooks.com site, I was eager to bake us up some biscuits for dinner.  

I served the biscuits with Leftover Pork Tenderloin and Veggie Stew and they were so yummy. Of course, whole wheat flour takes a bit of getting used to. It produces a grainier mouth feel. But the flavor is lovely. And the more you eat baked goods made with whole wheat flour, the more you learn to appreciate the flavor it brings to the bread or whatever baked goods you are producing. Not to mention the nutritional benefits associated with whole grains.

So, next time you feel like making biscuits, give this recipe a try. They will be perfect any time a biscuit would make the perfect addition to a meal. Plus, they are easy to make. And isn’t that always a bonus.

So, thank you Rachael for this delightful and reasonably heathy recipe.

Well, that’s all for today. Mr. C. has a gig tonight in Bellevue. And before the gig we plan to dine at Angelo’s Italian Restaurant. I can hardly wait. Angelo’s was one of our favorite haunts when we lived in Bellevue. So, anytime I get to eat there is a walk down memory lane. Not to mention, a reason to eat more than I should. (Like I need a reason for that!) Anyway, it will be great too because we will be joined by Mark and Vicki, our dear friends and neighbors. So, great food and great company. What could be better?

Peace and love to all.

1½ c. whole wheat flour  

¼ c. yellow cornmeal

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

2 T. granulated sugar

¼ c. grated sharp cheddar cheese

6 T. cold unsalted butter, grated

¾ c. buttermilk

In a large bowl, whisk the whole wheat flour, cornmeal, baking powder, baking soda, salt, black pepper, and sugar together. Stir in the cheese and grated butter. Add the buttermilk and stir until just combined.

Pat out the dough to about a ½-inch thickness on a floured surface. Use a biscuit cutter to cut into rounds. Re-roll the scraps and cut as many rounds as you can. Place on an ungreased baking sheet about 1-inch apart.

Bake in a pre-heated 450-degree oven for 12 minutes or until golden brown. Best enjoyed fresh and hot. (But gently microwaved and slathered in room temperature butter works mighty fine too.)


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