We love cornbread. That’s why you will find several cornbread recipes on this site. All are delicious, but all, until this recipe, contain unbleached white flour.

In my attempt to cook healthier, I still wanted to serve cornbread with the chili I had planned for dinner last evening. Because, truly, I can’t even begin to think about serving chili without cornbread.

So, yesterday, my exploratory food mission for the day was to find a recipe for cornbread that contained only whole wheat flour and monk fruit sweetener. And I also wanted to use olive oil instead of butter or some other type of veggie oil. Yadada yadada!  

Whereas usually I find a plethora of recipes for any given combination of ingredients, I couldn’t find a single cornbread recipe that contained only whole wheat flour, used monk fruit sweetener, and called for olive oil. OK, there were a few that had all three of those ingredients, but they also included white flour, or brown sugar, or both. So, that left me no choice. I had to come up with a recipe ALL BY MYSELF!

So, I came up with the recipe you find below. And low and behold, the cornbread was edible. (Actually, a great deal more than just edible.) In fact, it was pretty darn tasty. And the texture was fabulous.

So, if you too are endeavoring to up your healthy cooking game, I suggest you give this recipe a try. The cornbread was absolutely perfect served with my healthy Ground Beef and Black Bean Chili. A delicious combination, if I do say so myself.

As always, think healthy, eat healthy, and help those around you stay healthy too. As cooks, we can make a huge difference in our family members health. Serving lots of veggies beautifully prepared. Reducing the amount of sugar wherever possible and encouraging good eating habits can do a lot to prevent problems in the future. Of course, all of us as we get older find ourselves with diminished abilities. Goes with the territory. Now, where was I going with this thought again? I have no idea.

Peace and love to all.

1 c. buttermilk

¼ c. extra virgin olive oil

¼ c. milk

2 lg. eggs

1 c. whole wheat flour

1 c. cornmeal

2 T. monk fruit sweetener (I use the “golden” monk fruit sweetener)

2 tsp. baking powder

¾ tsp. kosher salt

Grease an 8- or 9-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking or baking spray.

In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk the buttermilk, olive oil, milk, and eggs together.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk the whole wheat flour, cornmeal, monk fruit sweetener, baking powder, and salt together.

Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients. Stir together just until combined. Don’t overmix. Pour batter into prepared pan.

Bake in a pre-heated 400-degree oven for 20-22 minutes or until light golden brown and a pick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Remove from oven and serve warm or at room temperature.

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