In an attempt to get more veggies down our gullets, I sometimes have to take desperate measures. Oh not for me. I love veggies. I am referring to the man I love. (Wow, that should be a song title! The Man I Love. Oh wait. I think George beat me to it.) Anyway – the man I love is not as much of a veggie aficionada as I am. Oh he will eat them. But not because he craves them the way I do. 

So last evening, as I was pondering what to do with several veggies in my fridge, it dawned on me that I could build a stir fry. Ta Da! So that’s just what I did.

I loved it! Mr. C., not as much. But then why would I expect this veggie dish to be any different from all the hundreds of dishes containing vegetables I have set before him over the years? But because I am ever the optimist I had great expectations. (Wow, another fabulous title.)

Now I don’t want to discourage you from fixing this dish. I think it’s terrific. In fact it was one of the best stir fries I have ever made. I just want to remind you that everyone has foods that they simply like better than others. That’s why there are so many choices on most restaurant menus.

But as a cook it can be disheartening after you have spent time and effort on a dish, to find it wasn’t well liked by someone else at table. It happens to all of us. Heck, there are times when I don’t particularly like what I have just prepared. Doesn’t mean I’m not a good cook. It just means that I know what I like, and this ain’t it!

So to all you cooks out there who strike out once in a while – just keeping going. And just because someone else doesn’t like what you’ve fixed, don’t let it stop you from enjoying it yourself. If anything, it means that you get all the leftovers. And I’m telling you true. Today’s leftover rice and stir fry was delicious. And I had it all to myself.

So keep cooking healthy food. Keep laughing. And don’t take it personally. Mr. C. doesn’t love me any less because I keep trying to feed him more veggies. He knows that I do it because I love him and want him to remain healthy. If anything it reinforces how much I care.

As always, peace and love to all.

1 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 c. cut fresh green beans

1 c. thin carrot slices

1 c. cauliflower florets

¼ med. onion, sliced

½ c. sliced celery

1 c. sliced mushrooms (button or cremini)

½ bell pepper, sliced

1 c. halved sugar snap peas

1-2 small zucchini, diced

3 garlic cloves, finely minced

2 tsp. finely minced ginger

1 (8-oz.) can whole water chestnuts, roughly chopped   

tiny pinch crushed red pepper flakes

¼ c. low sodium Tamari

2 T. honey   

1 tsp. sesame oil   

½ c. veggie broth

1 T. cornstarch

chopped green onions, opt. garnish

sesame seeds, opt. garnish

In a wok or large skillet heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the beans, carrot, and cauliflower. Sauté 4-5 minutes or until veggies are crisp tender. Add the onion, celery, mushroom, bell pepper, and sugar snap peas. Sauté for 2-3 minutes or until the bell pepper is just starting to soften. Add the zucchini, garlic, ginger, water chestnuts, and crushed red pepper flakes; cook for 1 minute.

While the veggies are cooking, whisk the Tamari, honey, sesame oil, veggie broth, and cornstarch together in a small bowl. Pour over the veggies and cook until the sauce has thickened. Garnish with chopped green onions and sesame seeds, if desired. Great served with brown rice that has been cooked in veggie broth, with a bit of seasoned salt, black pepper, and butter thrown in for good measure.

Please note: Use any veggies you want in this stir fry. I just listed the vegetables I happened to have on hand. It’s really about having a nice variety of veggies. And of course, it’s about the sauce. This sauce is da bomb!

If you want to add protein to this stir-fry, just add some cooked chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, etc. If you don’t have cooked meat on hand, start by cooking the meat before sautéing the veggies. Then set the meat aside. Add pre-cooked or just cooked meat to the pan just before you add the Tamari and veggie broth mixture.   

On an earlier post I showed a picture of Mr. C. reading a book while Miles and Max (our orange kitties) were on the back of the sofa. This is Squeaky, the resident princess happily lounging on Andy’s desk chair while I write at my desk about 4 feet away. It’s nice to be loved.

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