I love it when the salad and side dish are one and the same. Of course, I can always go completely nuts and serve another veggie or homemade rolls or biscuits. But why? As in this case, I’ve got my side grain or starch dish and veggie (spinach) all in one bowl. And having only two dishes to prepare equates to less work and time spent in the kitchen. Which is becoming more and more appealing the older I get! And another wonderful thing about this salad; it is even better when made ahead. And who doesn’t love that option.  

When a combination dish is as delicious as this modified version of a recipe I found on the borrowedbites.com site, I truly feel like I have won the lottery. So, served with a simply prepared chicken breast, lamb or pork chop, or seasoned ground beef patty, dinner is on the table in no time flat. And this makes for a very nutritious and easy meal to prepare and fancy enough for even the most discerning guests.

So, I suggest you make this salad soon. It is truly delectable.

Well, that is all I have to say today. We have reservations this evening at the Mirkwood Public House in Arlington for dinner and a show. The show being “A Vaudeville Cirque Extravaganza” (New Old Time Chautauqua*), featuring the Flying Karamazov Brothers, the Fighting Instruments of Karma Marching Band/Orchestra, and other vaudevillian luminaries. Should be fun. A little out of our normal entertainment framework. But isn’t that the way we grow. We try something new. We choose a new author, we visit a new land, we meet new people, we expand our horizons by letting go of our comfort zone. Not to the point of making ourselves uncomfortable. But as I have often said, I can put up with almost any type of entertainment, within the bounds of decency, for 2 hours. I may never want to hear or see this kind of show again. But then I at least have real experience with, not just some pre-conceived idea of why I don’t want to attend this type of event. I can at least say – once was enough. However, what I hope to be able to say is – when’s the next show?

Peace and love to all. And happy adventures.

1¾ c. quinoa**

1½ c. chicken broth

1 lg. garlic clove, finely minced

2 T. extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp. lemon zest

3 T. fresh lemon juice, or more to taste

½ tsp. kosher salt

freshly ground black pepper

1 tsp. Italian seasoning

2 T. chopped fresh parsley

1½ c. chopped fresh spinach

¾ – 1 c. crumbled feta

½ c. toasted slivered almonds

Rinse and drain the quinoa thoroughly in cold water. In a medium saucepan, add the quinoa to the chicken stock. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the pan, and cook until all the liquid is absorbed, about 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat, take off the lid, and set aside.

While the cooked quinoa is off heat, whisk the garlic, olive oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning together in a bowl. Stir into the warm quinoa.

Just before serving, stir in the parsley, spinach, feta cheese, and slivered almonds.

You can serve this wonderful salad right after preparing, but it is even better the next day, after having spent the night in your refrigerator. But if you plan to serve it the next day, don’t add the parsley, spinach, feta cheese, and almonds until just before serving.  

*A Chautauqua began in 1874 by the opening of the Chautauqua Institution. A Chautauqua is a camp that focuses on learning and entertainment, with lectures, concerts, and presentations by religious leaders, philosophers, and specialists in a variety of fields.

**Though technically a seed, quinoa is classified as a whole grain and is a good source of plant protein and fiber. 

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