So, it’s Sunday afternoon around 3:00 and I can hear that Mr. C. has fired up the espresso machine. That distinctive “click” the machine’s on/off switch makes always gets my attention. And usually, I can ignore its siren call. But yesterday I succumbed to the point of asking my dear husband what “afternoon delight” coffee treat he had planned for himself. His answer was “a simple mocha”.

Now, I have lived with this man long enough to know that his idea of a simple mocha is anything but! His mocha will be made with a couple shots of espresso, a gourmet cocoa mix, heated or steamed milk (or half & half) and will always, always have whipped cream on top. (Which unfortunately he shares with our cat Miles. But that’s a whole other story!) Anyway, because it was Sunday afternoon, I decided I would join him in a cuppa. (I very rarely have more than one cup of coffee a day.) But the main reason I decided to break my usual routine, was because I was still feeling elated from just getting my first covid-19 vaccination scheduled and most importantly, confirmed via email. So, I was in a celebratory mood. Anyway, when I requested a cup, Mr. C. gladly acquiesced. Of course, then came the difficult part. Did I want a leaded Americano, half caff, or like we refer to decaf coffee or light-colored beer – “why bother”? I chose half caff. Then, did I also want chocolate in my drink? You bet! And would I like a wee dram of peppermint schnapps to fortify me as I finished writing up my post? Why not! And since I was on a roll, I mentioned that while he was at it, I’d really love some whipped cream too. And also some chocolate sprinkles! (Hey, if you’re going to celebrate, you might as well do it in style!!)

So, after taking my order, away he went to assume his role as the Carr family coffee barista. And within a few short minutes, a beautiful half caffeinated work of art appeared on my desk.  

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I’m spoiled. No, I’m not spoiled. I’m terribly spoiled. There is a distinct difference. And I am definitely the latter.

So, if you too know someone who could use a good spoiling, I suggest you fix that person one of these tasty adult beverages at your earliest convenience. They are easy to prepare (or so I’m told) and taste like a million dollars (I know that for a fact).

As always, find ways to show your loved ones how much you care. Prepare a special dinner. Or serve popcorn after dinner as everyone settles down to watch a movie together. Or make a surprise batch of brownies for your family.

I read a post on my granddaughter Rebecca’s Facebook page the other day that really got me to thinking. I added to and slightly changed what was written, but the gist of the message is still the same. “People don’t always say: I love you. Sometimes their expression of love is in a different choice of words: Be safe. Did you eat? Call me when you get home. Drive carefully. Have a great time. I understand what you mean. You look beautiful today. I made this for you.” And as important as your words are, your actions have even a greater impact. But combined, words of love and actions of kindness are the greatest gift you can give anyone, be it family member, good friend, or the person you just met.

Peace and love to all.

2-3 tsp. good cocoa mix

1 Americano (leaded, half caff, or “why bother”)

½ oz. peppermint schnapps

whipped cream

chocolate sprinkles, garnish

Place the cocoa mix in the bottom of a large coffee cup. Pour your freshly made American into the cup and stir until the cocoa mix is well blended and smooth. Add the peppermint schnapps, and top with whipped cream. Garnish with chocolate sprinkles. Serve immediately to someone you love or sit down with a good book and drink it yourself. Cheers!

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