Since it is winter and the holidays are over and I’m still recovering from all the food, fun, and friendship, I decided it was the perfect time to share my favorite casseroles with you. Because casseroles are comfort food. And who doesn’t need a little extra consideration after all the hard work of making the holidays special for family and friends.   

Now, I’m not implying that every casserole can be thrown together at lightning speed. That just isn’t how it works. Some casseroles take a great deal of preparation. For example – lasagna. Which at first glance appears to be easy-peasy. Easy to prepare yes, quick to make, not so much. But casseroles often have the redeeming quality of needing only one other dish to make the meal complete. Lasagna again, for example, needs only a green salad to make for wonderful eating. Of course, garlic bread wouldn’t hurt. But not absolutely necessary. (Except at our house. But that’s a story for a later time.)

A guess my point is that casseroles once prepared, can often just be popped in the oven while a simple salad is being prepared. After that, if the cook is lucky, she or he can relax a bit while the oven does the finishing work. Or if extremely lucky, can imbibe a glass of something refreshing while contemplating the world from a comfy chair in front of the fire.

And not to be forgotten, casseroles can usually be made ahead. And that too is a great thing.

But basically, casseroles make for good eating. And I know, some people turn their noses up at the very thought of casseroles. I can only feel sorry for these poor folks who must have endured too many dry tuna casseroles as children. (I am among that group.) But luckily, I got over the horror of tuna casserole when I learned to cook.

So, if you too enjoy a good casserole, know that from all my casserole recipes, these are my all-time favorites.

In the next few days, I will also be posting My Favorite Vegetable Side Dishes. Many on the side dish list would also fit perfectly on this list of favorite casseroles. So, keep that in mind when you need ideas for baked veggie dishes.

Well, that’s it for now. Mr. C. has a gig tonight at the Rockfish Grill in Anacortes with the Whistle Lake Jazz Quartet. (Four of my favorite people who just happen to also be great musicians.) So, I need to get going.

But before I stop blathering for today, I do hope you know how much I enjoy sharing my world with you. And I do appreciate that you allow me to be myself, even though I’m sure you often throw your hands up and roll your eyes at some of my stream of consciousness diatribes. Just think of yourselves as my avenue to sanity.

Because sometimes I just can’t keep my worrisome thoughts and feelings to myself. What is currently happening to our world often makes me extremely sad. I hate wars of any kind. I loathe the gun violence in our country. I detest any group feeling superior to another and acting on that ignorance. And I especially despise the political division in our country even though I try to understand other people’s opinions. But not when they involve greed, hate, prejudice, and a willingness to hurt others for their own gain. Or to inflict their own personal belief or beliefs to the inevitable detriment of others. There I draw the line. So, to my thinking, if I don’t draw a line and express my concern, then I am silently expressing approval. And I absolutely refuse to do that! So, pardon my strong feelings on these matters, but hopefully you will understand that it comes from a place of deep concern and empathy.

If you too have something to say in defense of others who may not have a voice, please do so. If nothing else, it will help you get whatever it is off your chest. And if done in the spirit of offering a respectful difference of opinion, the other person might possibly re-think his or her own position. Or you might possibly change your own way of thinking. That too could happen. And all in the spirit of learning and civility.

And as always, peace and love to all.

MY FAVORITE CASSEROLES (or casserole like dishes)

Baked Cheesy Chicken Florentine Casserole

Baked Chicken with Sour Cream and Mushrooms

Baked Puttanesca with Béchamel Sauce 

Cheese Enchiladas with Red Chili Sauce

Cheezy Stuffed Green Peppers

Chicken Enchilada Suizas Casserole

Chicken Pot Pie – Have it Your Way!

Chiles Rellenos Casserole

Creamy Mac and Cheese

Fast and Easy Italian Sausage Pasta

Green Chilies and Rice Casserole

Gruyère Cheese, Spinach, and Mushroom Breakfast Casserole

Italian Casserole with Sausage, Mushrooms, and Sour Cream

Italian Sausage, Mushroom, Cheese, and Egg Breakfast Casserole

Italian Sausage Pasta with Roasted Red Peppers and Mozzarella Cheese

Italian Sausage, Spinach, and Mushroom Casserole

Lasagna Bolognese

Pancetta and Gruyère Breakfast Casserole

Roasted Veggie Lasagna with Cheese Béchamel Sauce 

Three Cheese Macaroni Casserole (gourmet Mac and Cheese)

Vegetable Lasagna

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