I absolutely love a salad that can be made ahead of time. So a salad that is both delicious and actually requires some quality time in the refrigerator will always rate a five star review from me! So in my estimation, this slightly modified Iowa Girl Eats food site recipe definitely merits the full five stars. If not more!

(Huh, if there can be an A+ given for academic over-achievement, perhaps there should be a 5 star+ category also for exceptional recipes. I ponder this conundrum only because to my thinking, this is a 5 star+, bomb (excuse the slang) of a recipe!)

Plus it couldn’t be easier to prepare. And beautiful? Oh my yes! Gorgeous colors. And, it’s crunchy. (You know – crunchy – that all too elusive “something” missing from way too many American dinner tables.)  

So next time you need a make-ahead salad for your family or invited guests, give this dish a try. You will not be disappointed. And neither will those you choose to bless with your culinary efforts. After all, the salad is gluten free, vegetarian, sugar free, low in fat, high in fiber, not too high in salt – making it therefore eligible to all, except of course for those few poor souls adhering to a vegan diet. (They can’t have Dijon mustard.) But for the remaining 99.5% of us, this dish is about as healthy, while still being totally edible as it gets. Need I say more? Nope!!

1/3 c. extra virgin olive oil

1/3 c. red wine vinegar

2 T. minced shallots

1 T. Dijon mustard

2 tsp. Italian seasoning

2 cloves garlic, finely minced

freshly ground black pepper

2 c. cauliflower florets

1 basket cherry or grape tomatoes  

2 small carrots, chopped  

1 c. sliced celery

1 English cucumber, semi peeled, seeded then chopped

1 yellow bell pepper, seeded then chopped

kosher salt

Combine the olive oil, vinegar, shallots, mustard, Italian seasoning, garlic, and pepper together. (May be made ahead.) In a large covered glass container, pour ¾ of the dressing over the cut veggies and refrigerate overnight. Just before serving toss with remaining dressing and salt to taste.

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