FYI: You can purchase Cardamaro as well as other Amaros at Total Wines

During our recent camping trip on the Olympic Peninsula, we visited our good friends Ann and Pete at their beautiful log home outside of Sequim.  Pete, a talented jazz drummer, is also (it turns out) a cocktail aficionado, with a particular interest in drinks made with Amaro, a family of Italian herbal liqueurs commonly consumed as an after-dinner digestif.  Pete generously shared with Mr. C. his “Amaro Manhattan menu” listing a half-dozen types of Amaro that may be used as a substitute for sweet vermouth and Angostura bitters in a classic Manhattan. (This drink contains one of the two bottles of amaro Mr. C. recently purchased. So, there may be more amaro drink recipes coming your way.)  

Andy’s first experiment was with the recipe you find below. Cardamaro is a wine-based amaro from Milan which takes its flavor from cardoon (also known as artichoke thistle) a native Mediterranean perennial used in traditional recipes throughout northern Italy and Spain, and blessed thistle (another artichoke relative), then aged in oak. The result has the richness and weight of sweet vermouth, with only a gentle herbal bitterness.

Pete’s tasting notes mention “caramel, dark citrus, and black pepper – sweet, spicy, balanced, delicious”.  Andy’s comment: it certainly makes a rich and complex Manhattan but the taste takes a few minutes to fully develop in the glass. (Of course that’s Andy’s note, not mine. This drink will never pass my lips. But with an innate sense of fair play, I always post Mr. C’s “adult beverage” recipes knowing that, like Mr. C., there are those of you out there who have yet to learn that gin is the best alcoholic ingredient ever invented!)

Well, that’s it for today. It’s time for my nap. Andy had a gig on San Juan Island yesterday and we didn’t get home until 1:45 am. Way later than is sensible for us at our “too old to die young” ages. And to make things even worse, Mr. C. had another gig booked for today and had to leave home at 8:30 this morning. Yes, I did stumble into the kitchen and make him breakfast. What I served, I have yet to remember. I know there were a couple of eggs involved and a bit of granola topped with sliced nectarine and vanilla yogurt. But if there was anything else on his plate, the memory of it is so safely tucked away, even the promise of a fresh from the oven maple bar wouldn’t bring it up!

Peace and love to all. (And happy Manhattans!)

2 oz. bourbon (Pete uses JTS Brown; Andy uses Makers Mark)

1 oz. Cardamaro liqueur


1 very good maraschino cherry (Luxardo or Bada Bing recommended)

Mix the bourbon and Cardamaro over ice, and strain into a chilled glass. Carefully drop in a perfect cherry and enjoy! (Ice cubes are acceptable too.)

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