Some days, the most difficult decision I have to make is what side dish to serve for dinner. Now, realizing that my life before retirement was a bit more hectic and fraught with adventure (raising children), careful consideration (I worked in human resources), and all the other plethora of daily life associated with being alive, I truly cherish my lack of real and meaningful responsibility at this stage of my life. Like deciding to prepare a rice dish rather than a potato dish.

Now of course I’m not intimating that on occasion I don’t have resolutions to make of greater importance then what side dish to fix. Of course I do. But they come fewer and further between now, not to mention they don’t resonate with me the way they did when I was younger. Advancing age and a whole lot of life experience really does have its benefits. But it also doesn’t mean that on those days when my main concern is menu planning, that I don’t appreciate the heck out of the beautiful life I am living.

So in order for you to also live a life full of simple and beautiful things, I offer up this recipe. It is absolutely delicious, and perfect with almost any kind of simply prepared meat or seafood. With its slightly Asian flavor, of course it goes well with any Asian dish. And your kids will love it.

So if you are at that stage in your life when you have so many more important things to worry about than what side dish to serve, or don’t want to be bothered thinking about it at all, let me recommend this fast, easy, and flavorful recipe. Enjoy!

2 c. chicken stock

1 c. white rice

1 scant T. low sodium soy sauce

1 scant T. toasted sesame oil

2 green onions, very thinly sliced, opt.

3 T. toasted slivered almonds, opt.

Combine the stock and rice in your rice cooker. Hit the cook button and walk away. When the rice cooker turns off, stir in the soy sauce, sesame oil, and green onions. Keep covered and on warm setting until ready to serve. If using, stir in the toasted almonds just before serving.

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