I love seafood. And I know I should love it best when it is baked, grilled or poached, but there are just those times when my entire body yearns for fried fish with a yummy tartar sauce on the side. And really, who am I to deny my body anything it really begs for, especially since it has been ever so good to me over the years?

And since I pretty much gave up desserts at the first of the year, I feel almost obliged to reward my body with at least one of the foods it periodically craves. (That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!) So the other evening I gave in to my bodies demands and fixed fried cod and this tartar sauce.

Now I almost always make my own tartar sauce and this evening was no exception. But I was in the mood for something different. So I went in search of tartar sauce recipes on the internet. Do you know how many recipes there are for tartar sauce out there in cyberspace? Thousands, maybe even millions! So doing what I usually do I looked at several sites and came up with this version which is a conglomeration of several of the recipes I thought looked mighty tasty.

Well the upshot is that Mr. C. and I thought this was really, really good. And it took no time at all to whip up. Better and better! And yes I could have taken a picture of the sauce, but truly, who does not know what tartar sauce looks like? I figured taking a picture of the sauce would almost be an insult to you all. But if there happens to be any one out there for whom tartar sauce is an unknown (as they say in the vernacular) “commodity”, please go on line and search for “tartar sauce recipes”. You will soon be provided with more pictures of small bowls filled with white stuff than you ever dreamed imaginable.

  • ½ c. mayonnaise
  • ½ c. sour cream
  • 1 T. drained capers
  • 2 T. rough chopped dill pickle
  • 1 small shallot, peeled and rough chopped
  • 2 tsp. chopped flat leaf parsley
  • 1T. fresh lemon juice, or to taste
  • 1/8 tsp. Old Bay seasoning
  • ½ tsp. course grained mustard
  • ¼ tsp. kosher salt
  • freshly ground black pepper

In a small food processor, combine all the ingredients and pulse several times until the pickle is finely chopped and all of the ingredients are well mixed but not pureed. Adjust seasonings and refrigerate several hours before serving.